Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trigger N:N Association event and Dassiciation event in CRM Plugin in MS CRM 4.0

-- ===================================================================================================
-- Enable Associate and Disassociate Plug-in Events
-- execute the following query to CRM database, it will add two entries in SdkMessageFilterBase
-- 'DisassociateEntities' and 'AssociateEntities' from SdkMessageBase which is not listed
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Find the deployments SDK Filter ID for the
-- Associate and Disassociate Entity SDK Messages
DECLARE @DisassociateEntitiesFilterId uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @AssociateEntitiesFilterId uniqueidentifier
SET @DisassociateEntitiesFilterId = (SELECT SdkMessageId FROM SdkMessageBase WHERE [Name] = 'DisassociateEntities')
SET @AssociateEntitiesFilterId = (SELECT SdkMessageId FROM SdkMessageBase WHERE [Name] = 'AssociateEntities')

-- Enable the Associate and Disassociate Filters to be valid for custom processing
-- Custom Processing means "you register plug-ins against it"
-- Note: We only do this for the "generic" (OTC == 0) case, just to be safer
UPDATE SdkMessageFilterBase SET IsCustomProcessingStepAllowed = 1 WHERE SdkMessageId = @DisassociateEntitiesFilterId AND PrimaryObjectTypeCode = 0
UPDATE SdkMessageFilterBase SET IsCustomProcessingStepAllowed = 1 WHERE SdkMessageId = @AssociateEntitiesFilterId AND PrimaryObjectTypeCode = 0
The above query will enable the 'DisassociateEntities' and 'AssociateEntities' message in the plugin registration tool. While registering the plugin select the entity name as ‘none’

While executing the plugin you will be getting four parameter as input parameters from the plugin context along with the other properties :

1. Related Entity1 guid and entity name
2. Related Entity2 guid and entity name
3. Relation hsip name (nothing but intersect hidden N:N entity name)
4. Optional parameter.

Using these value you can implement you logic.

Sample Code for N:N relationship with a custom entity and Sytem User:

public void Execute(IPluginExecutionContext context)
crmservice = context.CreateCrmService(true);

if (context.MessageName == "AssociateEntities")

if (context.InputParameters.Properties["RelationshipName"].ToString() == "new_new_customentity_systemuser")
string oId = string.Empty;
string SharedUserId = string.Empty;

oId = (context.InputParameters.Properties["Moniker1"] as Moniker).Id.ToString();

SharedUserId = (context.InputParameters.Properties["Moniker2"] as Moniker).Id.ToString();

// write you logic here


catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex)

catch (Exception ex)

Note : As we have defined 'none' as the entity name while registering the plugin, so this plugin will get triggered when ever user will do add existing or romove existing, for any entity. So while writing the logic relationship name is required to identify from where plugin has been triggered.

Referance :

Friday, March 12, 2010

Disable CRM form in MS CRM 4.0

Here is the JScript to Disable all the fields/attributes of the CRM From.

function DisableForm() {
var iLen = crmForm.all.length;
for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
crmForm.all[i].Disabled = true;

HIde Left Nav Bar of CRM from in MS CRM 4.0

Here is the JScript to hide the left navigation area (completly) of any CRM form. = "none";
document.all.tdAreas.colSpan = 2;

Maximize the CRM form in MS CRM 4.0

Here is the JScript to maximise the CRM form.

window.moveTo(0, 0);
window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);

Button on CRM form in MS CRM 4.0

There is a workaround of creating a button on the CRM form.
The logic behind is , just place a text box attribute on the CRM form, hide the label/textbox of the corresponding attribute and make the textbox/label (other half) of the same attribute to a button.

Here we have an attribute name new_button (textbox). The first half(label) has been made hidden always and second half of the attribute (textbox) has been converted to a button. And the event has been added to the button.

crmForm.all.new_ = 'none'
crmForm.all.new_button_d.innerHTML = "<button class='ms-crm-Button' onclick='ButtonClick();'>Click Here</button>";

ButtonClick = function() {
// write your logic here..
