Sunday, February 14, 2010

More Than 8 Tabs on a CRM Form in MS CRM 4.0


We can have more than 8 tabs on a CRM Form if required. (It is unsupported but very easy to implement).

Procedure :
In: C:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM Server\CRMWeb\Tools\FormEditor find your formeditor.aspx and select edit. Find the JavaScript variable _iMaxTabs and notice that it is set to 8. Change the value to your desired limitation, save and close, reset IIS and you should then be able to create the additional tabs needed from within the forms customization area.

Note : This change will be refelected in all the CRM form.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Changing the entity’s default print preview in MS CRM 4.0

Monday, February 1, 2010

Custom Entities are not available for Mail Merge in MS CRM 4.0

As we all know in CRM 4.0 most of the entities(including the custom entities) are available for the Mail Merge. But often we see that few custom entities are not available while Mail Merge.

This happen only when we import CRM 3.0 customization to the CRM 4.0 CRM. Actually in CRM 3.0 Mail Merge future was not available for custom entity and custom attribute added to the system entity.
So when we import 3.0 customization to 4.0 still Mail Merge future has not been added to the custom entity. Even we don’t have anything in CRM so that we can enable (Or disable) the mail merge future for an entity from UI.

But there is a work around to enable the Mail Merge future for the custom entity.

Export the entity customization, open the customization.xml in Visual Studio. In bottom of the xml file you will see the xml nodes named like <IsoutlookEnabled>, <IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled> .
Likewise we need to add one more node as <IsMailMergeEnabled> and set the value as "yes".

Save and close the customization.xml and import the same to the CRM. Wait for 2-3 minutes lets synchronized the customization with the outlook. Close and launch the outlook again and start the Mail Merge for the corresponding entity.

Note – These steps we need to follow for every custom entity. Be very care full while making changes in Customization.xml.

Disabled Fields in Bulk Edit in MS CRM 4.0

When we do Bulk Edit in MSCRM, we see few fields has been disabled or in read only format. We can’t provide any input to those fields.

This is because if we have enabled the OnChange event for the fields, those fields appear as disabled on the Bulk Edit form. This is because for multiple records CRM won’t be able to trigger the OnChange event and take the defined action in OnChange Jscript.

Note - Even though we don’t have any Jscript in OnChange event of the field but if we have enabled the OnChange event, the corresponding field will appear as read only.